Online Lecture via Zoom (link below)
Saturday, January 16 at 9:30 a.m.
For the Friends of San Diego Architecture’s first presentation of the year, the redevelopment of Horton Plaza shopping center will be reviewed by representatives of project developer, Stockdale Capital Partners: Michael Rosen, Senior Project Manager, and Jimmy Parker, Director of the Culture Program.
Construction is well under way to turn the 36-year-old downtown project into a mixed-use, creative-office-oriented development. As the developers say, “Campus at Horton will be the ultimate adaptive reuse, mixed-use development set in the heart of Downtown San Diego. The project will create a sustainable technology and life sciences hub in San Diego, epitomizing the modern work/play destination complete with retail, food and beverage outlets, public park space and more.”
If you have any follow up questions on this presentation, Jimmy would be happy to respond. Please email him at
9:30 a.m., Saturday, January 16, on Zoom (link)
Meeting ID: 820 9012 7484
Lecture will be recorded and put online
Zoom Instructions
Join By Computer
- Close any program on your computer that uses your camera, for instance Skype
- Have a headset available if possible to minimize feedback – your cellphone earbuds will work well
- Click this Zoom link and Zoom should automatically and quickly download to your computer
- Open the program that was downloaded. If it does not open automatically, open the Downloads folder on your computer, click Zoom_launcher.exe. Zoom should direct you to this with a large orange flag
- If prompted, enter the Meeting ID and Passcode from above
- Once Zoom has launched, a screen should pop up asking for your name. This will identify you during the meeting
- You should now be part of the meeting. Click the green button that says “Join Audio By Computer” (you will automatically be muted at the beginning of the meeting)
- At 9:30 you will be admitted into the meeting
Join By Tablet or Smartphone
- If you choose to use your tablet or smartphone, be sure to download the Zoom app ahead of time from the app store on your device
- Once you have downloaded the Zoom app, follow the “Join by computer” instructions above.
We want to start on time – please allow extra time to get online!
In consideration of the speakers, please arrive 15 minutes early in order to get successfully connected. We don’t want you to miss any of this great lecture!
Contact: Joshua Larson, President, Friends of San Diego Architecture,