Tall Buildings Since 9/11: The Spectacle of the Technical
February 18, 2012
San Diego architect Kurt Hunker will discuss the public’s post-9/11 reaction to tall buildings and the sophisticated technology that has been applied to high-rise design since the disaster, as evidenced by what he calls “the concept of spectacle.” He will share information that he presented recently at the International Alvar Aalto Meeting on Modern Architecture in Jyväskylä, Finland. He’ll also cite details from a presentation that he gave in London shortly after 9/11 about his work on tall buildings up to then.
Mr. Hunker has a consulting architecture practice, and has collaborated on numerous projects over the years with Davy Architecture and other San Diego firms. His work has been published in such periodicals as “Architecture” and “Texas Architect” and has been honored by award committees in California, Ohio, and Texas.
He has also taught design, theory, and criticism at the NewSchool of Architecture and Design for the last 23 years. He’s served as Chair of the Graduate Program, and has twice been named Teacher of the Year. He is currently Acting Provost of the school, developing new degree programs and international initiatives. He earned his master’s degree in architecture at Harvard after studying at Ohio State and Oxford.
Come to the Friends of San Diego Architecture meeting in February to hear Mr. Hunker’s tall stories.