SANDAG’s Coleen Clementson and landscape architect Vicki Estrada will discuss the state of San Diego’s transportation systems and how they figure into the urban design of the region. We’ll learn about SANDAG’s latest thinking on a rail link to the airport, future trolley lines, bike paths, ridesharing, autonomous vehicles, teleportation (just kidding), and how urban design figures into the whole. As moderator Mike Stepner says, “Everything’s connected.”

Coleen Clementson is SANDAG’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer. Duties include implementation of the agency’s regional transportation plan, developing a third border crossing, creating a rail link to the airport and upgrading the San Diego-San Luis Obispo rail corridor. She also works to address the region’s “digital divide.” With more than 20 years’ experience in public sectdor planning, Coleen is immediate pasts president of the California Planning Roundtable, a group of public and private sector American Planning Association members that provide leadership to create health, prosperous and equitable communities.



Vicki Estrada, President and Founder of Estrada Land Planning, is one of San Diego’s most influential landscape architects. She wrote the 1989 Balboa Park master plan and continues to advise park officials and institutions on its implementation. Other projects include the Otay Ranch new town plan, San Diego State University trolley station, Las Poalmas and Rancho San Diego land plans and the San Diego Canyonlands initiative. She’s a fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects.




This will be our first in person lecture since February 2020!

We are excited to see you in person! Please arrive 10-15 minutes early for coffee, snacks, and catching up with old friends.

Our lecture will be held in the auditorium at the NewSchool of Architecture and Design in Downtown San Diego at 1249 F Street.