San Diego Women in the Architectural Professions
October 17, 2015

In 1988 Dirk Sutro wrote an article in the Los Angeles Times on Women a Glowing Force in San Diego Architecture: Some Still Don’t Feel Entirely Accepted. He interviewed Judy Clinton, Alison Whitelaw and Chica Love, who 10 years earlier had founded an organization called Women in Architecture. They wanted an “old girls’ group” like the “old boys’ club” where they could discuss professional issues.

It is now 27 years later. About 50% of architecture graduates are women, but what happens after graduation? What career paths do they take? Are they now accepted in a once male-dominated industry? Can they have a family and a career? Do they bring different skills to the workplace? What special challenges do women face?

Kristi Byers, AIA, will moderate a panel of women working in architecture and landscape architecture who can answer these questions. Kristi, a recent recipient of AIA’s San Diego Young Architect of the Year Award, is President of Kristi Byers Architect APC with clients in California, Arizona and Texas. She graduated from the University of Arizona and is a strong advocate for making sustainability an integral part of all architecture. She has been active in the LEED certification program and promotes eco-friendly design. She worked for several large companies before opening her own business.

On the panel:

A graduate of the University of Edinburgh, Alison Whitelaw began her career when there were fewer women architects and more challenges to face in a male-dominated profession. Alison is a model for the young women entering the architectural professions. She is a Principal of Platt/Whitelaw Architects, a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, and a recipient of many awards for her private, government and institutional designs. Locally, Alison has served as President of AIA San Diego and of the San Diego Architectural Foundation (SDAF). She has taught sustainable design classes at NewSchool of Architecture & Design for 10 years. Ms. Whitelaw is a Past President of the Academy of Neuroscience for Architects, an organization which studies and promotes the links between neuroscience and the growing understanding of human responses to the build environment.

Joy Lyndes has a B.A. and M.A. in landscape architecture from the University of Arizona with a Certificate in Preservation Studies. A relative newcomer to San Diego, after a successful career in Arizona, Joy established a new firm in 2013, Coastal Sage. She didn’t waste any time in becoming involved in many organizations in San Diego and shares her knowledge in urban planning, sustainable design solutions, ecology and tribal properties. Joy is on the Encinitas Environmental Commission, serves on several committees for the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), and is Secretary of the AIA Preservation Committee.

Corinne Lloyd-Moody has an M. A. in Architecture from Cornell University. Corinne worked for local firms, Island Architects and Carrier Johnson + Culture until January 2015 when she and Jennifer Landau Prior opened their own firm, L2 Architects, specializing in  architecture and design for residential, multifamily and small commercial projects. Corinne is very active in the design community and takes a special interest in preparing architecture students for successful careers in green building and design. She has taught at NewSchool of Architecture & Design, is a Subject Matter Expert for the California Architects Board and is an Intern Development Advocate.

Laura Shinn began her career as an architect in private practice specializing in historic preservation and accessible design. She graduated from the University of Virginia with a B.S. in Architecture, and then received degrees as a Master in Architecture and a Master of City and Regional Planning from Ohio State. In 1995 Laura was the Associate Director of Design at Columbus Neighborhood Design Assistance Center and then became a Director of Planning, an Adjunct Professor and a Project Director at Ohio State.  In December 2013 Shinn became the Director of Facilities Planning at San Diego State University where she is responsible for campus strategic and master plan management, capital program development, facilities planning and design, and facilities data and records oversight, as well as the Facilities Graphics studio and sign shop.

FSDA is proud of the many women in San Diego’s architectural professions who have overcome some obstacles in the past but are now finding the career path a little easier and a future so full of possibilities.


A Special Message:

Please join us for the forum and be sure to visit the Breaking Barriers: Women Designing the Built Environment exhibit in the lounge area.
It is a special collection of images from San Diego women in the architectural professions who have agreed to share some of their work with FSDA. This exhibit will be on display until Oct. 24th.