Online Lecture via Zoom (link below)
Saturday, October 17 at 9:30 a.m.

Laura Shinn

Kate Goodson

Mike Stepner

Roger Showley
San Diego will elect a new mayor as well as other local officials on Nov. 3 and the winners will face many challenges and opportunities to shape San Diego’s built environment in the years ahead.
Several organizations and local leaders have formulated an urban planning agenda for the new mayor to consider. The document outlining that agenda, published by AIA San Diego, will be the focus of discussion at FSDA’s October forum. The event will be broadcast on Zoom and be open to the general public.
The program will feature presentations by Laura Shinn, vice president of the AIA San Diego chapter, and Kate Goodson, president of Citizens Coordinate for Century 3. It will be co-hosted by FSDA board members Roger Showley and Mike Stepner.
The proposed mayoral agenda includes seven focus areas:
- Innovative approaches to comprehensive planning
- An Assessment of Community Planning
- Facing Housing Challenges
- Planning for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
- Design for Sustainability
- Lessons Learned from a Pandemic
- A City Think Tank for Workable Solutions
A PDF of the “AIA San Diego Mayoral Agenda” is attached via the link below. Attachment A within the “Agenda” is a position paper advocating the re-establishment of a design review board: volunteer professionals to assist city staff with the architectural review of proposed projects. Attachment B is the national AIA’s 10-point Framework for Design Excellence, also included for the candidates’ reference.
AIA San Diego Mayoral Agenda
Participant Information:
Laura Shinn is the vice president and president-elect of AIA San Diego. She is a certified planner and registered architect with nearly three decades of professional experience in architecture, physical planning, and urban design in university, non-profit and private practice settings.
Kate Goodson is the president of Citizens Coordinate for Century 3, one of San Diego’s oldest civic organizations. She is also an architectural and urban designer and the founding principal of POP/ARCH, a local placemaking studio that works to transform underutilized public spaces into vibrant community assets.
Roger Showley is a retired staff writer of The San Diego Union-Tribune and author of several books on San Diego history. He is president of the Balboa Park Committee of 100, a board member of Friends of San Diego Architecture, and of the San Diego Architectural Foundation.
Mike Stepner is an architect, urban designer, and professor emeritus of the NewSchool of Architecture & Design. He previously served as San Diego’s city architect and assistant city planning director. He has served on many boards and committees, currently including Space 4 Art, Friends of San Diego Architecture, San Diego Commons, and the Balboa Park Committee of 100.
9:30 a.m., Saturday, October 17, on Zoom (link).
Meeting ID: 820 9012 7484
Zoom Instructions
Join By Computer
- Close any program on your computer that uses your camera, for instance Skype
- Have a headset available if possible to minimize feedback – your cellphone earbuds will work well
- Click this Zoom link and Zoom should automatically and quickly download to your computer
- Open the program that was downloaded. If it does not open automatically, open the Downloads folder on your computer, click Zoom_launcher.exe. Zoom should direct you to this with a large orange flag
- If prompted, enter the Meeting ID and Passcode from above
- Once Zoom has launched, a screen should pop up asking for your name. This will identify you during the meeting
- You should now be part of the meeting. Click the green button that says “Join Audio By Computer” (by default you will be muted at the beginning of the meeting but can unmute when prompted by the moderator during the Q&A portion of the presentation)
Join By Tablet or Smartphone
- If you choose to use your tablet or smartphone, be sure to download the Zoom app ahead of time from the app store on your device
- Once you have downloaded the Zoom app, follow the “Join by computer” instructions above.
We want to start on time – please allow extra time to get online!
Please arrive 10 minutes early in order to get successfully connected. We don’t want you to miss any of this great lecture! You will be admitted to the lecture from the waiting room at 9:30.
Contact: Joshua Larson, President, Friends of San Diego Architecture,